Saturday, November 29, 2014

Nerves get the best of me

Nerves get the best of me....

Well I'm on my kindle at the moment so I'm going to apologize in advanced for no pictures or any misspelled words there may be in this blog.....

Been catching a lot of possums, survived Wal-Mart black Friday sale, as well as Bass Pro black Friday sale which was a nightmare everyone was going for pants, ammo, and the metal ammo on the other hand got the game cameras that I wanted, hoodie to replace  mine from when our field was one fire...some sleep pants and a flashlight deal....

Anyways the reason the title was the way it I, is that I hadn't seen any deer....Been playing with my deer call for the past couple days messing with the different settings....well I got done grunting in this one field and was walking back to where I normally set at and notice  something white....used my binoculars and saw that it was a deer....but it was too far to really get a I crunched down and started to stalk down towards it.....stood back up and still could only see the head (noticed now there was a total of two deer),crunched back down and went further  down....stood back up and thought I was at a spot I could take a problem is that my arms feel like hello...and am very I tried setting my sight on the deer....must have missed because it ran off with the other deer....couldn't find any traces of blood....which yes people may make fun of me especially since I started crying because I was just so frustrated at yes anyone can poke and make fun of me but no one is in my shoes and I'm only human....but hoping since the wind will be in my favor tomorrow that I'll have better luck....

Hoping by this week I'll be able to add  some pictures of sunrise and sunsets that I've taken plus pictures of products I've tried, etc.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014



Sorry only got two, because I guess the third picture wanted to be a will be adding it to this page here later.

 This possum on the top is one I caught in a regular size cage and as we can see by the color its the new one I had bought at Tractor Supply Company, as well as the one in the bottom it was from the bonus cage that was inside my trap form Tractor Supply Company which is the extremely tiny trap. It was kind of a struggle to get this little guy out of the trap (which was baited with mink lure).

I know that I said I was going to bait with Sardines but instead I baited with a different type of fish which I'll be posting later on, of course I couldn't find anymore of it at the store the last time I went, hoping I'll find more soon because it just works as good as Sardines, which I'll take pictures of them and tell you where I get them and approximately how much they are.


Monday, November 24, 2014

So many questions

So Many Questions

Well sorry no pictures tonight...still waiting for them to download at the moment, if not may have to retry again tonight since having issues with the internet....ugh.

Still no sign of deer, haven't seen any at all, its just been a bad year for me when it comes to deer hunting this year. Oh well. I have so many questions and hope I'll get some feedback, it would be highly appreciated. When you are trapping for predators do you trap with the foothold type traps or live cages? I have this huge live trap that my husband bought me last year to use for trapping, I haven't ever caught anything in it...Any suggestions, or what type of bait do you use that is really good for catching predators? Its one of those traps that have the bait box built within it that separates it from the trap. Those are the questions running through my mind at the moment, so any suggestions on trapping would be awesome.

So far lately I have been catching nothing but possums! but I let them go, hope to add those pics here soon.

Also Sunday since I felt like a wet rat after trying to go hunting in the morning (it was doing nothing but raining) and since I got back early I went to town and bought some throw n grow for next year @ Wal-Mart and at Tractor Supply, but on the way to Columbia since I cut through the back roads, I saw a family of skunks which was neat, and a field of turkeys. Of course Sunday night when I went hunting its the first time in years that I had seen this so here in the story: I was sitting at my normal spot on Sunday night and saw something huge fly into the tree, I thought at first it was an owl just because of the size of it. Well shortly after that more started flying into the trees and they were huge and noisy. I figure since it was almost already getting dark I said piss on it I'm gonna go see what they are, sure enough as soon as I got close I could tell it wasn't owls but a flock of Turkeys of course I scared them into the neighbors property where they had harvest corn, but it is the first time I have ever seen Turkey back there. I thought it was neat....


Saturday, November 22, 2014

First Coon

First Coon

Sorry everyone I didn't take a pic of it because it was extremely late and was kinda frustrated already as it was about other things, but my husband shot a coyote yesterday while deer hunting, didn't get a deer, and saw a lot of possums. Still haven't seen anything deer wise except for my mess up on Monday morning and missed both times on that deer, I still know it was a buck only because it was by itself and pretty much had its nose to the ground following  a trail, found my scrapes on the ground other places on our property, but still haven't seen any deer-so again my not get a buck (did get a button buck during 2012, doe 2013), so who knows.

Anyways before I talk about the coon, this morning I caught two possums in my trap (let them go because possums are not worth much), and talked to my husband, saw pretty much everything this morning (deer, turkeys, coyotes (didn't get a shot/ didn't see any deer that he wanted (wish I had that I'm not picky though, if I see a deer I will shoot it)).

So now to the coon, I shot it and brought it to the house so that I could skinned it (first time I've done my own skinning-it was interesting), had my husband help me which is good since I'm not confident enough yet to do it on my own, anyways my husband was moving the coon lower for me so that I could finish working on it, and must have done something because next thing you know I got sprayed in the face, arms, got all over the ground, I pretty much got peed on by a dead raccoon (lesson learned, don't stand in front of a dead coon while your husband is lowering it for you so you can finish working on it)....yeah it was an interesting night for sure.

Hoping I'll have better luck tonight.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014



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Let me know, also let me know if it doesn't work so that I may correct it. I'm going to say I like hunting either in the morning or before the sunsets, but I don't like it getting too dark so quick to where I can't see to shoot which is technically before the sunsets only because I have cataracts which makes it difficult for me to tell the difference of things unfortunately.


Has anyone heard or used?

Has anyone heard or used?

Has anyone heard or used Wind Pro and if whether or not it works? That is my question today, I won't lie since they were having a deal yesterday I purchased the package deal, of course shipping is what gets you. So I'm asking all Missouri hunters is whether or not you have heard of it or have used it and what your opinion is about the product? you can get the product here, its $29.99 of course shipping for me was $10.99 which in my opinion is crazy, its suppose to have no shelf life so should be able to use it multiple years, of course since it looks so tiny....makes you wonder how long it really will last and will you have to buy more for that crazy amount.....anyone's opinion would be appreciated.

Also didn't see anything last night, rebaited my traps again still haven't caught anything since I checked this morning and didn't see any deer either, so I might try sardines tonight since that is usually my favorite bait to use so we will see if that will make a difference. Didn't take a pic but you could tell the buck was back at the scrape since there was new footprints in the spot, so I may respray that back down tonight as well...of course I'm not going to be able to hunt for long since I have to be somewhere by six tonight which is kinda a bummer to be missing out on the chance to go hunting, but I'm looking at it I have until December 7th to get a deer since I really don't do Muzzleloading and don't think my husband's family has enough guns to really pass around and since I've only done that for one year (did get a deer, went hunting with my father-in-law he talked me through it) I really don't feel comfortable quite yet on doing it by myself. 

Any input would be appreciated.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

More Products

More Products

Well I didn't see anything last night and I also didn't see anything this morning, hopefully hoping I will have better luck tonight! Also haven't caught anything in my traps yet so I'm going to try to re-bait them with the products I have before I go to my last resort which I have always used which is sardines, I'm always willing to give new products a try. Speaking of products:

I tried using this Tinks Acorn Scent cover it is $5.99 at Bass Pro here:  I tried it on the first opening day because I'm willing to try to mask my human scent (never have in the past though), I was able to spritz it one time and haven't been able to get it to work since then. Maybe its just faulty or something, but I can tell you this stuff is strong smelling, like a big giant pile of acorns. Not really sure if I would try using this again.

Next I've been using this every single day which is Scent A-Way Anti-Perspirant-Odorless, I won't lie which I know this will be too much information but I sweat a lot, and who doesn't want something that has moisture control in it? Even if I wasn't wearing a ton of clothing I'd probably still sweat a lot. I absolutely love this product a lot, it helps keeps me dry and its odorless so I don't have to worry about trying to mask even more human scent from my normal deodorant which is quite smelly. Its a good way to keep from sweating horribly and keep you dry. I would recommend this to any hunter out there. This is $5.99 here at Bass Pro. 

Another item that I really like that I've been using every single day, not still 100% sure if it works or not, but I spray myself down with Dead Down Wind ScentPrevent Evolve Scent Control Field Spray. I spray myself down anytime I'm ready to go hunting to eliminate any scents that might give me away since I sit on the ground and don't hunt out of a blind (hoping to get a blind soon-its on my hunting wish list! ha ha). 

This was $9.99 here at Bass Pro as well. As we can all tell by now I obviously love shopping at Bass Pro.

Still have more products to talk about, but I like doing a little bit at a time. Does anyone have anything special on their hunting wish list, or products they love using during hunting season, I would love to hear about it, so comment away!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 3-Kicking myself in the butt!

Day 3 Kicking myself in the butt! Putting it nicely! :) 

Well I didn't get to recheck the mock scrape today from after putting more mock scrape on top of the scrape yesterday, of course I hadn't seen any deer in two days, my husband did get a button buck on Saturday night. Finally this morning...I'm kicking myself in the butt, saw a deer finally shot at it not only once but twice and obviously missed both times, didn't see any blood trails or dead bodies next door! LOL Yes everyone can make fun of me, but trust me when I say I'm kicking my own butt, so I'm not really sure what happened, but I'm extremely disappointed to have finally seen a deer this morning and didn't get it. Also checked my traps yesterday and didn't catch anything, need to check them today to see if I have yet or not, but I was too busy moping but will be back out there again to hunt and hopefully will have much better luck. Hoping anyways! LOL Also I should have added to the fact that the weather was just perfect today and the wind direction was just right also....

Here below is the pic of the scrape:

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Trapping Lures/Bait

Trapping Lures/Bait

I'm hoping everyone had a good morning this morning to start off Rifle Season and Trapping Season here in Central-Mid Missouri....sounded like my husband got a button buck (not 100% for sure yet, haven't talked to him since we each hunt at different locations. I hunt on the back of our property which is about 10 acres and he hunts over at his grandpa's which has way more than 75 acres)...I didn't see anything at all today (also I've been hunting off of our property for three years now-one year got a button buck, another year got a doe -really hoping for a nice buck though since there has been huge scrapes back there (hoping to take a pic of it tomorrow while I'm back there). 

Anyways today I put out traps/ used new trapping lures/bait (I usually use Sardines which I have as a back-up method). The pic below is not all of the bait/lures that I have- I only took a pic of the ones I used today and testing its effectiveness on catching animals. 

Okay first bait is NO BS Nite Vision Coon#1 Bait - it's a
Super strong smelling all-season bait that reaches out and grabs the raccoons' attenttion. Glows in the dark. 16 oz jar. which I got from Cumberland's Northwest Trappers Supply Incs. here at this link: it is $15.00 -haven't tested it out yet to see if it really glows in the dark, but I thought it was neat sounding so I got it. Also I love how quickly you get your products as well from Cumberland's Northwest Trappers Supply, Incs. I ordered this on a Wednesday and received it on Friday of the same week. How awesome is that?

Next bait is NO BS Double Down-it's a This bait is strong and appealing to raccoon, gets their curiosity up. 16 oz jar. -it's $10 -I can tell you this stuff is strong smelling, and kinda gross looking too, not really sure what all is in there.

After that is Caveman's Lures Predator Bait- Got this at Cabelas for $7.99 -Premium food/call bait that keeps furbearers such as fox, coyote, raccoon and bobcat working your sets longer. A proprietary blend of food, glands and musk produces a sharp odor that’s detectable from extreme distances. 
Size: 9-oz. bottle.

The other two bottles are also Caveman's Lures that I got at Cabelas, I got:
  • Canine Force – This food/call lure is a potent mixture of food and calling ingredients that brings various predators into your sets. Its powerful calling properties are ideal for cold-weather trapping.
  • Mink Master – Strong gland lure combined with essential oils and weasel musk appeals to the mink's territorial nature and brings them in. Effective as a change-up predator lure at your flat or post sets.
they where both-$6.99 which they appear to be on backorder at the moment, of course they have other choices too to pick from.

I have two other baits/lures, I just haven't tried them out yet, figure I would start with these to see how well they worked which I will know by tomorrow morning, so I guess I'll cross my fingers and will wait and see what I get.

Thursday, November 13, 2014



I would like to first start off by saying that you know for sure its getting close to hunting season here in Central Mid-Missouri when the shelves of hunting supplies at Wal-Mart (haven't checked Bass Pro in a while) are bare. It's a reminder to myself that if I am wanting anything hunting related wise to buy it early as possible, pretty much as soon as it hits the shelf or if not you might just be out of luck. I will be taking pics and posting them tomorrow about some lures that I'm going to be trying this year for trapping, they are new to me and will be interesting to see how well they work out. Still need to take pics of other products I am trying out this year, etc. Its a work in progress on this page. 

I bought this set a couple of weeks ago at Tractor Supply Company for $34.99 +tax (yes I do have other traps but I liked that this is a combo and I can get the smaller trap as well) 

GFA Catch and Release Live Animal Trap, Pack of 2

is basically what this trap is, which is set up differently versus the other traps I have. I'm not gonna complain though because I love the color which is green (green is my favorite color), I love how easy it is to set up the trap and can't wait to see how well it will work during trapping season which starts the same day as rifle season. I'm really thinking about getting some more especially during Black Friday week because starting November 26, 2014 at 6 a.m. you can get these GFA Catch and Release Live Animal Trap, Pack of 2 for $19.99.....can I say yes please! :) -I'm hoping I can at least get 4 more of these during the sale. 

-Also I should have noted that the only reason I didn't get the value pack traps at Orschelns because yes they do sell them there, but the only thing is that the second trap is basically a rodent catch/release which is not what I was looking for. So just keep that in mind that if your wanting the smaller traps your better off getting them at Tractor Supply. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Controversial Products Part 2

Controversial Products Part 2

Okay earlier I posted about Wildgame Innovations Crush Juiced (had been using the apple flavor, do have two other flavors as well the Persimmon, and Honey Acorn Flavors), as well as the Evolved Original Liquid Deer Cane, which we all know I absolutely love the Evolved Liquid Deer Cane because the deer go crazy over that stuff, much more versus Wildgame Innovations Crush Juiced (love their products as well, but the deer wasn't as excited about it versus the deer cane) anyways I had talked to the MCD which they really couldn't give me the answer as to whether or not if the products that I had provided the ingredients for was considered as bait or not, no clear answer at all, it was just gray. Anyways I had contacted both companies about the products. I can say I hadn't ever gotten a response back about Deer Cane, but did received a replay back from Wildgame Innovations.

This is the answer I had received:  The ingredients a listed on the products. They do contain artificial flavors but I cannot tell if that is allowed or not based on what you posted. Artificial flavoring is not the real thing. 

-So even there answer was kinda gray just due to the fact that obviously the Wildlife Code for hunting when it comes to whether products are considered as bait or not is gray... either way you look at it, there is no direct answer on these products. I guess you can look at it either way. Any feedback would be awesome on your opinions about these two products. 

Thanks- there's still more to come when it comes to posting! :) 

Monday, November 10, 2014

LaCrosse Boots

LaCrosse Boots

LaCrosse Boots are by far my favorite boots I have ever owned, I got a pair for an early Christmas gift back in 2007 I think, I've had owned them for quite a while before I finally had to replace them last year because they finally had a hole that would allow water to leak in. I absolutely love these boots though because they are perfect for hunting, or pretty much anything outside. I get mine in the men size, which we normally get these at the MFA locations, but you can also get these pair of boots at Bass Pro Shops. I would highly recommend these boots to anyone. They last for many years before you have to replace them, and I pretty much use these for everything, hunting, during rain/snow, because they hold up so much better than other boots or shoes in general that I have tried.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Controversial Products

Controversial Products

First products is Evolved Habits Ready to Use Deer Cane Liquid, don't have a picture of the second item yet but the other product is Wild Innovations Buck Jam (any flavor) Crushed Juice pretty much....these two items to me are controversial products as to whether or not they are considered as bait or not, so any insight would be awesome.

This is pretty much what I got from the MDC:

The Wildlife Code of Missouri states that:

Deer may not be hunted, pursued, taken, or killed with the aid of bait (grain or other feed placed or scattered so as to constitute an attraction or enticement to deer).  Scents and minerals, including salt, are not regarded as bait; however, mineral blocks with food additives are prohibited.  An area is considered baited for ten (10) days following complete removal of bait.

Mineral blocks that contain grain or other food additives are prohibited.  Doe urine and other scents, such as apple, acorn, and persimmon, may be used to attract deer while hunting, as long as the scents are not used on or with grain or other food products.

It is unclear what the natural and artificial flavors and sweeteners are so I recommend that you contact the manufacturer(s).  If the products contain any food additives they are considered bait and it would be unlawful to hunt deer over these products.  Some common examples of food additives that would make the product unlawful to hunt over are: apples, berries, peanuts/peanut butter, corn, honey, molasses, etc.  Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

So if anyone has any input I would love to hear about it.

So far out of the two products I really love the Evolved Habits Ready to Use Deer Cane, they seriously just dug at the stuff, should have taken a picture...hoping I can do so tomorrow since its nice and dark outside, got off work way too late today...and hope I'll get a picture of the Wild Innovations product, I have gotten other flavors too just haven't used it yet since I'm waiting for a response back from the company. The only one I've tried so far was the Apple flavor which was okay...not as dramatic as the Deer Cane though. 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Controversial Product

Controversial Product 

I will post about two more products tomorrow that I have tried this year before season since it is coming up, but two products to me are controversial products since I can't get a direct answer from MCD about whether or not these products are considered as bait or not, and I have tried emailing the company about the products to see if they are or not, but no response back yet...

Any guesses of what they might be??

Hint: Two different products but made from the same company....

Would love to know what your guesses are of what two products I'm talking about, and hopefully tomorrow I will hear more about what your viewpoints are on these products are, if you think they are considered as bait and is illegal here in Central Missouri, or not bait which makes them legal to use during hunting season.


Donkey Butter

Donkey Butter

This is the first year I have ever tried Primos Donkey Butter, I have tried both the Peanut Butter and the Molasses, I don't have issues with either one, but I think the deer prefer the peanut butter flavor better versus just the molasses. This is great for putting on trees, stumps, etc. Sorry everyone I don't have any cam pics for you since my game camera died (plus I'm going to do some research on trying to find one that will send pics to you, as well as having a GPS so I know where its at, since I've had a game camera stolen before! :( ...
I really enjoyed using this product so far and would highly recommend the peanut flavor one. 

*Side note I would like to try during the summer to just putting a peanut butter can to a tree, thought that was interesting, screwing the lid to the tree, cut the bottom out of the lid, rescrew peanut butter jar to lid and your good to go! -going to have to test to see how well that works out.*

Bleeding Tubes (Fishing Lure)

Bleeding Tubes 

I absolutely love Strike King Bleeding Tubes - I don't have the white ones like pictured above (but trust me I want these but will hopefully wait until they go on clearance to get some to try out), the ones I have that they don't have anymore at least at my Wal-Mart since I got them on clearance for $1 are the green ones. I absolutely love this product because you wouldn't believe how many bass I caught with it, I'm hoping next summer I'll remember to take my camera with me so I can takes pictures of it. I'm hoping next year I'll be able to try out these white ones, I'm hoping they will work just as great or even better than the green ones that I have. These right here that are pictured above are like $4.36 at Wal-Mart (each store varies in pricing).



Basically what this blog will be about will be me testing out products for either hunting, fishing, & Trapping, I love the outdoors, who doesn't. These products that I'm testing out are my own reviews and will be of my own opinion, to each person is their own/ have their own opinions about products. I'm hoping later on this week I'll be able to post about this one product I tried this summer for fishing, and what I'm doing exactly at this moment, of course I'm hoping to be able to add pics in the process of the products I'm trying etc. Thanks

Talk Real Soon. :)